January 24, 2011

simmered and baked chicken drumstick

This is one of my made up recipe I use quite often.

1. Simmer chicken drumsticks using boiled water(enough to cover the whole drumsticks) and soy sauce(1/2cup) and sugar(1cup). Sugar makes meat extra soft so I let it boil until chicken almost falls off the bone.
2. Place drumsticks on oven tray and brush on the drumstick with your favorite chicken sauce(Mine is: 2tbsp honey + 3tbsp soy sauce + 1/2tbps sesame oil + 1/2tbsp vinegar). 3. Set the oven to Broil and bake for 2min, turn the drumsticks and apply the sauce. Repeat that until the skin is golden brown.
4. Garnish with sesame seeds and sliced green onion.
5. For veggie I used boiled spinash. <--Any extra chicken sauce pour on spinach for extra flavor.

chicken drumstick

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